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Check out the latest in longevity based healthcare by watching this video.
Many patients come to our office reporting that they have suboptimal energy throughout the day. While there can be many contributing factors to this, poor blood sugar and insulin control can contribute to this feeling. Maintaining stable glucose and insulin hormone levels are essential to your health and quality of life.
Believe it or not, as many as 80% of people may have a normal blood sugar report on a regular lab report while having abnormal blood sugar spikes. This is why getting multiple measurements using a continuous blood glucose monitor (CBGM) can be super helpful to see if your blood glucose is abnormally high after eating and also to see how your insulin is reacting. Metabolic Syndrome is a condition that describes this abnormality in blood sugar and insulin regulation.
It is important to see a healthcare professional that understands how to properly screen for and treat this condition. Many conventional healthcare practitioners still do not use or recommend continuous blood glucose monitoring unless you have diabetes. You do not want to wait until you have a diagnosis of Diabetes before screening for this condition!
Schedule an appointment with one of our offices today to learn more about getting the proper testing. It is also important to look at dietary strategies to prevent improper blood glucose spikes from occurring. Many believe that your blood vessels become damaged after just one blood sugar spike. Imagine if this could happening every day.
Many of our patients have lost tremendous amounts of weight and have gotten off of “the daily roller coaster” using CBGM testing along with our highly effective protocols. Our goals are to help you to live your best life and to actually feel better.
Get the answers. Live your best life. Call or schedule at one of our locations today to learn more about your specific testing and treatment options.